Government releases K213.4 million GTFS funds for 2024 Term 1  

Monday 15 January 2024

Prime Minister, Hon. James Marape, presenting  a dummy cheque of K213.4 million to the Minister for Education, Hon. Jimmy Uguro on Tuesday, 9 January 2024.

The  Government has released   K213.4 million of Government Tuition Fund Free Subsidy (GTFS)  to cover Term one  of this school year.

The Prime Minister, Hon. James Marape, presented a dummy cheque of K213.4 million to the Minister for Education in a press conference on Tuesday 9 January 2024.

The Minister for Education, Hon. Jimmy Uguro, when thanking the Marape-Rosso government, expressed his gratitude to  the Prime Minister for prioritising education, in  ensuring  funds for Term one are released early to the Department.

Minister Uguro  thanked the government on behalf of 1.4 million students and  62,822 teachers in more than 13,000 schools nationwide.

He  called on the school administrations to use the funds to prepare for the beginning of Term one.

Minister Uguro also urged all   school administrations to acquit these monies and provide quarterly reports to the Department, through the Provincial Education Offices in order to receive tuition fee payments.

 “Parents and the community have the  right to ask School Boards to account and acquit these public funds every time and anytime.”

Meanwhile, Minister Uguro has further  called on all  teachers nationwide to remain calm and neutral and allow  those managing the Alesco system to fix the tax cut issue and pay their dues next payday.

“Our neutrality is very important to show our commitment to the education of our country’s future,” he said.