NCD ACP advises of opening of major supermarkets for business

12 January, 2023

The Assistant Commander of Police for the National Capital District and Central Province, Anthony Wagambie Jnr. has advised that major supermarkets in Port Moresby will be opened for business tomorrow (Friday12 January) .

“This is to inform all members that Metropolitan Superintendent and I , after assessing the situation with Zone Commanders, have sent word out to major supermarkets to open for business tomorrow.

“We have advised them to open for business between 9am and 10am.”

He added, police units will be deployed within the premises for the morning part. Service stations are also expected to open for business tomorrow.

The following supermarkets are likely to be opened tomorrow for business

• Vision City

• Waterfront

• Food world

• Stop and Shop Waigani Central

• Elisio Rainbow

• Range View

Smaller shopping marts owned by Chinese community will also gradually open during the day.

Mr Wagambie Jnr has assured residents that there will not be anymore looting in NCD and Central.