NEC Appoints Holemba as Acting Secretary for Works, Confirms Wereh as PNG’s Ambassador to Philippines

 Tuesday 13 August 2024

 Prime Minister Hon. James Marape has confirmed  the National Executive Council’s  decision to appoint deputy secretary for Works, Gibson Holembas, as Acting Secretary for Works and Highways, replacing David Wereh.

 The Prime Minister also confirmed  Mr Wereh’s appointment as Papua New Guinea’s Ambassador to the Philippines.

Prime Minister Marape said a formal letter signed by the Governor-General effecting the decision is being dispatched to Mr Wereh, and that he was looking forward to seeing a smooth transition.

He said, “Cabinet has made the decision to get Mr Holemba to take the place of Secretary Wereh, who, in an earlier Cabinet decision, is being transferred to the Philippines as the PNG’s Ambassador to the Philippines.

“The Public Services Commission and Department of Personnel Management have initiated this process while they find a permanent replacement.

 “Three deputy secretaries were shortlisted and Mr Holemba was appointed by a majority Cabinet decision as the acting secretary.

“Mr Holemba will remain so until the Department of Personnel Management advertises the position for someone to take up the position on a permanent basis.”

 Prime Minister Marape acknowledged Mr Wereh’s contributions during his time as Secretary for Works & Highways, especially in implementing the Connect PNG Programme.

“On behalf of the country, I want to offer our highest commendations to Secretary Wereh. He served well, with high work ethics; he is the author of Connect PNG Programme and his legacy will remain.”

 In his tenure as Secretary for Works and Highways, Mr Wereh   has maintained decorum and high works standards at the department.

It is good for his career that he moves on to another place to allow someone else to come in so that we do not compromise Connect PNG Programme,” said PM Marape.

Mr Marape added  the government is still focused and committed to opening up  the country  with enabling infrastructure.

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