Saturday 20 April 2024

The Government of Papua New Guinea, the Catholic Bishops Conference and the Vatican, have begun preparations for the historical visit by head of the Catholic Church, and  Head of State of the Vatican City,  Pope Francis, in September this year.

Foreign Affairs Minister Hon. Justin Tkatchenko announced that an inter-government agencies committee responsible for the Papal visit, has been working since January on the preparations for the week-long visit to ensure that it is a success and a memorable one.

He said the visit of the Pope would be completely different to the normal programs for state visits for the heads  of State and heads of  government and other VIP guests.

Minister Tkatchenko said the Holy See will be accorded an official state visit with a 21-gun salute, guard of honour and respect.

“We’ve got the right people in the right place and we have all very experienced Papua New Guineans who have handled all the visits from the Royal Family to Heads of governments and Heads of State,” Minister Tkatchenko said.”

The Catholic Bishops Conference has recently  confirmed the visit by His Holiness Pope Francis to PNG from  6-9  September, 2024.

Archbishop of Port Moresby Cardinal Sir John Ribat said the four-nation visit planned in 2020 was deferred due to Covid19.

Cardinal Ribat said it’s good news for the Christians because he is a State and a spiritual leader for everyone.

“His visit brings hope and encouragement and also it is a blessing to us.”

“We have to ensure that this visit is not only memorable for him but also for all of us,” Sir John said.

Read more: Minister Tkatchenko Announces Preparations Underway For Papal Visit – PNG National Information Centre

1-4 July, 2024

7th National Science & Technology Conference

Theme: Application of Science, Technology and Innovation for Sustainable Economic Development

The 2024 National Science and Technology Conference is hosted by the Papua New Guinea University of Technology (PNGUoT). The PNGUoT with its combined institutional experience and expertise stand ready to host this major event, and we hope to hear a lot of speakers speaking on broad range of topics from issues in the food security and agriculture, to climate change and biodiversity, to engineering and technology. In addition to scientific research discussions, we hope to discuss way forward on the matters concerning award and encourage the awarding of grants for research, trainings, scholarships, prizes, pilot applications, visits, special initiatives for women, conferences, exchanges, exhibitions and displays. In addition, directories of personnel, work in progress, publications and other forms of information dissemination are anticipated. This conference was shelved for a while due to the pandemic. We therefore expect increased number of participation in 2024 as many countries, universities, science and technology establishments have increased their activities to pre-pandemic levels. We also look forward to participation and presentation by private industries, researchers, student poster presentations and scientific research work.

PNG National Participants


International Participants


Conference Participation Payment Account Details:

Bank: Kina Bank
Account Name: Unitech Trust Fund
Account #: 11188172

Registered Students


Exhibition Booths
