Dr Kombra: K850m allocated for Govt Tuition Fees, No Schools should Charge Fees

Monday 29 January 2024

No school fees or project fees are to be collected by schools in the National Education system in 2024.

In a statement by Dr Uke Kombra, Secretary for Education, no school administration or governing board is to refuse any child from enrolling in schools or attending classes for non payment of fees.

“Parents and stakeholders are encouraged to cooperate and support in other ways than tuition fees to ensure that schools remain operational throughout the year in 2024.

“The Marape/Rosso Government is committed to providing quality and accessible education to ensure that all children go to school and no child is left behind.

“Under the Government Tuition Fee (GTF) Policy in 2024, the Government has allocated K850.935 million to pay for School Fees and Project Fees,” Mr Kombra said.

Any school found to be denying students their rights to education upon enrollment will be severely dealt with including suspension of heads of schools from duties without pay.

According to the public announcement, heads of schools will be held accountable.

The full cooperation from all provincial inspectors, provincial education advisors and provincial education boards is required to ensure that the Government’s Tuition Free Subsidy Policy is implemented successfully.

The public and parents are also encouraged to report on schools which do not comply with the  directives from the local school inspector and PEB.

Further information can be obtained from the Department of Education website: www.education.gov.pg or by sending an email to: gtfsinfo@education.gov.pg or by calling telephones: 3288800 or 72668181.

[Featured Image: Loop PNG]

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