Government Launches Digital Census, Addresses Concerns Over Privacy and Inclusivity

Wednesday 19 June 2024

Minister for Administrative Services, Hon. Richard Masere has announced a recent launch of  the government’s digital census, marking a significant shift in the way the country’s population is counted.

The new system uses digital technology to collect data, making it faster, more accurate, and more inclusive than ever before.

The digital census  will allow citizens to complete their forms  online or through  using mobile app. making it easier than ever, to participate

He described the digital census  as being designed to reach every corner of the country, with the aim of providing a comprehensive and accurate picture of the nation’s demographics.

The government has invested heavily in the technology, ensuring that it is user-friendly and accessible to all citizens.

During his   NBC Talk Back Show today, Minister Masere pledges to conduct an accurate and inclusive census, ensuring every individual, regardless of their background or circumstances, is counted and heard.

“One of the key concerns surrounding the digital census was privacy, however, the government has taken extensive measures to ensure that individual data is protected.

“We have implemented robust security measures to prevent unauthorized access to personal data,” Minister Masere said.

“Data will be encrypted and stored in secure servers, and individuals will have control over their own information.”

He added that another area of concern was inclusivity, hence, the government has taken steps to ensure that the census is accessible to all citizens, regardless of their language or ability.

“We have translated the census forms into multiple languages and provided audio and visual aids for individuals with disabilities,” Minister Masere said.

Mr Masere is also  encouraging citizens to take ownership of their data and to participate in the census.

“By doing so, they will be helping to shape the future of our country.”

The government has also established a dedicated team to handle any issues that may arise during the census process.

“We are committed to ensuring that every citizen has a smooth and hassle-free experience.”

The digital census is expected to be completed by the end of the year, with results being released in 2025.

The data will be used to inform policy decisions, allocate resources, and provide vital statistics on demographics, health, education, and other areas.

Meantime, the government’s digital census is a significant step forward in terms of accuracy, inclusivity, and privacy.

“By using technology to collect data and protect individual privacy, the government is ensuring that every citizen’s voice is heard and counted.”

Citizens are encouraged to call the Census Call Centre on 1801676 for further queries.

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