Minister Eoe Defers LLG Elections  to September 2024

Thursday 18 July 2024

Minister for Provincial and Local  Level Government Affairs, Hon. Soroi Eoe, has deferred  the Local Level Government (LLG) election from  25 July to  26 September 2024.

Minister Eoe cited certain challenges and issues that allowed the deferral of the LLG election to September.

“Whilst the National Government is committed to supporting the conduct of LLG Election 2024, the challenges posed by the National Census, currently underway, and the methods of election for LLG heads and realignment of newly proclaimed Wards and LLGs are real and cannot be overlooked.

“Hence, it is only proper the LLG Election is delayed and conducted after the National Census, and issues highlighted are  properly addressed,” he said.

Mr Eoe has now approved the proposed dates to conduct the LLG Election:

  • Issue of Writs                              Thursday 26th September 2024 (4pm)
  • Nomination Close                        Thursday 3rd October 2024 (4pm)
  • Polling Starts                               Saturday 23rd November 2024
  • Polling Ends                                Friday 06th December 2024
  • Return of Writs on or before         Friday 27th December 2024

He added Nomination Period  will last seven days, with  Campaign Period running for 57 days or eight weeks, Polling Period is for 14 days, while  Counting Period will take 21 days.

“I encourage  the Papua New Guinea Electoral Commission to work closely with  all relevant stakeholders to ensure all pending issues are addressed amicably to allow for the election to be conducted in September.”

He has assured the PNGEC of his department’s support in delivering a free, fair and safe 2024 Local Level Government Election.

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