Minister Masiu Condemns Damages to Telecommunications Infrastructure

Tuesday 16 January, 2023

The Minister for Information and Communications Technology, Timothy Masiu, has strongly condemned actions by criminals who sabotaged two Telikom fibre cable chambers the National Capital District.

He said whilst the communications infrastructure was restored last Thursday afternoon, this incident had caused the deterioration of internet services that resulted in severe congestion last Wednesday and Thursday.

“Critical communication infrastructure should not be sabotaged and is an offense and breach of Part 3 of the National ICT Act,” said Mr Masiu.

He urged people and especially those with harmful intent, to stop their criminal activity and respect government infrastructure that provides beneficial services to every citizen.

“I also appeal to every Papua New Guinean to refrain from misleading our people on social media, by sharing mis and disinformation that are likely to cause further disunity and harm in the community.”

Minister Masiu warned that his department is monitoring all social media platforms to verify the immense social unrest in the city.

“From this monitoring of the social media network, we will assist the police in ensuring that perpetrators are severely dealt with and brought to justice.”

[Read Press Release:]