NEC Appoints Six New Ministers to Cabinet

Friday 19 January 2024

Acting Governor-General, Hon. Job Pomat and Prime Minister, Hon. James Marape, with new and current Members of Cabinet, at  the swearing-in ceremony at Government House on Thursday, 18 January 2024. (photo credit: Government House).

Six new ministers were sworn in at Government House  on Thursday, 18 January 2024, increasing the total numbers of  Ministers to 37, following   a Cabinet reshuffle announced by  Prime Minister, Hon. James Marape.

They are:

  • Koroba-Kopiago MP ( United Resources) Hon.  William Bando, Minister  for Coffee;
  • Nipa-Kutubu MP, (Social Democratic Party), Hon. Dr Wiliam Joseph,  Defence Minister;
  • Popondetta MP ( Greens Party),  Hon. Richard Masere,  Key Constitutional Offices Minister;
  • Member for Kundiawa-Gembogl (PANGU),  Hon. Muguwa Dilu,  Mining Minister;
  • •Obura-Wonenara MP Hon. John Boito (Pangu Pati),  Agriculture Minister; and
  • Esa’ala MP  and Pangu Pati member , Hon. Jimmy Maladina,  Minister for Petroleum.

Following the new ministerial appointments  and reshuffle yesterday, the new Cabinet line up is set out in alphabetical order:

  1. Prime Minister & Treasurer, Hon James Marape, MP
  2. Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Lands and Physical Planning, Hon. John Rosso, MP
  3. Minister for Agriculture, Hon. John Boito, MP
  4. Minister Assisting the Prime Minister, Hon. Ian Ling-Stuckey, MP
  5. Minister for Bougainville Affairs & NGCB ,Hon. Manasseh Makiba , MP
  6. Minister for Civil Aviation and Transport, Hon. Walter Schnaubelt, MP
  7. Minister for Coffee, Hon. William Bando, MP
  8. Minister for Commerce & Industry, Hon. Win Daki Bakri, MP
  9. Minister for Community Development, Youth & Religion, Hon. Jason Peter, MP
  10. Minister for Correction Service, Hon. Joe Kuli, MP
  11. Minister for Culture & Tourism, Hon. Isi Henry Leonard, MP
  12. Minister for Defence & Fire Services, Hon. Dr William Joseph, MP
  13. Minister for Education, Hon. Jimmy Uguro, MP
  14. Minister for Energy, Hon.  Kerenga Kua, MP
  15.  Minister for Environment Conservation & Climate Change, Hon. Simo Kilepa, MP
  16. Minister for Finance, Hon. Rainbo Paita, MP
  17. Minister for Fisheries and Marine Resources, Hon. Jelta Wong, MP
  18. Minister for Foreign Affairs, Hon. Justin Tkatchenko, MP
  19. Minister for Forests, Hon. Salio Waipo, MP
  20. Minister for Health & HIV/AIDS, Hon. Dr. Lino Tom, MP
  21. Minister for Higher Education & Sports, Hon. Don Polye, MP
  22. Minister for Housing & Urbanisation, Hon. Kobby Bomareo, MP
  23. Minister for Information and Communications Technology, Hon.Timothy Masiu, MP
  24. Minister for Inter-Government Relations, Hon. Soroi Eoe, MP
  25. Minister for International Trade, Hon. Richard Maru, MP
  26. Minister for Justice and Attorney-General, Hon. Pila Niningi, MP
  27. Minister for Key Constitutional Offices, Hon. Richard Masere, MP
  28. Minister for Labour and Industrial Relations, Hon. Ms  Kessy  Sawang, MP
  29. Minister for Livestock, Hon. Sekie Agisa, MP
  30. Minister for Mining, Hon. Muguwa Dilu, MP
  31. Minister for National Planning & Implementation, Hon. Ano Pala, MP
  32. Minister for Oil Palm, Hon. Francis Maneke, MP
  33. Minister for Petroleum, Hon. Jimmy Maladina, MP
  34. Minister for Police, Hon. Peter Tsiamalili Jr.,MP
  35. Minister for Public Service, Hon. Joe Sungi, MP
  36. Minister for State -Owned  Enterprises, Hon. William Duma, MP
  37. Minister for Works & Highway Implementation, Hon. Solan Mirisim, MP

Major coalition partners in government have expressed their gratitude to Prime Minister for the  cabinet reshuffle.

Deputy Prime Minister and Pangu Pati Deputy Leader, Hon. John Rosso, also extended his gratitude to all coalition partners for their unity and collaboration during this time.