News In Pictures….

Prime Minister Hon. James Marape’s Historic Address to the Australian Parliament – Guest of Government Visit – Australia

 7 – 9 February 2024

Thursday 8 February 2024

Prime Minister Hon. James Marape delivers a profound and moving “Thankyou Australia” Speech to the Australian Parliament in Canberra, at 9 am this morning, Thursday 8 February 2024.

He sincerely acknowledges  past leaders of both countries, the Australian people, Government and leaders past and the present in his address and received a standing ovation from Members of the Australian Parliament.

Prime Minister Marape being congratulated  by Members of the Australian Parliament this morning during his historic address.

PM Marape speaking at the Australian National Archives on Wednesday 7 February. Key amongst his message was the significant effort of Australian Kiaps who build and shape PNG today. “It’s today’s generation that will embrace the past and shape the future”…

PM Marape standing with former Australian Kiaps, Mr Bill Sanders and Mr Graham Watts. Two of PNG’s colonial leaders whom Mr Marape brought  down to witness his Address  in the Parliament, Sir Yano Belo and Sir Nabuka Mara before the tree planting.

Prime Minister James Marape planting a tree at Commonwealth Park  (Wednesday 7 February), symbolizing the significance of the past history between Australia and PNG. The work done by 2000 plus Australian Kiaps that built PNG today, and importantly shaping the future by appreciating the past.

Prime Minister Hon. James Marape and Madam Marape, with Senator Nita Green (right),Australia National Archives Director General Simon Froude, and Former Australian Kiap, Mr Bill Sanders at the Australian National Museum.

(Photo Credit: PM’s Media)

Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese’s in his Welcome address to Prime Minister James Marape:My Friend Marape, You are the first Leader of another Nation to address us in this chamber since 2020 and the first leader of a Pacific Island Nation to Address Australian Parliament ever. It is fitting  that  such an honor belongs to Papua New Guinea” (NBC TV).

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