Parliamentary Communications Committee Sets Dates for Media Inquiry

Wednesday 15 May 2024

The Permanent Parliamentary Committee on Communications will shortly launch an investigation into the role and impact of the media in Papua New Guinea.

Committee Chairman Hon. Marsh Narewec, Member for Wau-Waria, made these remarks in   a press conference on Tuesday 14 May,  confirming the inquiry is schedule for  21 – 23 May, at the Parliament State Function Room.

The  inquiry will cover    four  main terms of references (TORs):

  1. The impacts of misinformation, disinformation and sensationalized reporting on society, State and Governance.
  2. The role of media organisations, regulatory agencies, and the PNG Media Council in ensuring highest ethical and professional standards to protect Society, the State of PNG and preserve established media freedom.
  3. Assessing the effectiveness of policies and legislation in fostering media freedom, honesty, and journalist welfare in PNG.
  4. The standards of teaching programs and facilities at academic institution.

The inquiry’s goal is to raise journalism standards, restore journalist integrity, and uphold media ethics in PNG.

“The inquiry will provide opportunity for relevant stakeholders, expert individuals and groups, and the public to share their views and propose recommendations,” Hon. Narewec said.

“We welcome all these information and this information will assist the committee to prepare and present its report to Parliament.” He added.

According to Hon. Narewec, interested groups are invited to make their writing submissions addressing the TOR.

The submission deadline is  Friday, 17 May 2024, and should be addressed to the Chairman of the Parliamentary Committee on Communications at the Post Office in Waigani, NCD.

The committee will visit tertiary and training institutions to observe communications training programs, respecting free and responsible media while ensuring checks and balances for best practices and global recognition.

Meantime, all media outlets and government stakeholders are invited to provide briefings for the Committee during the inquiry to better understand the media’s role in PNG development.

The recent created Parliament Committee on Communications is comprised  Member  for Wau-Waria,  Marsh Narewec as Chairman and Member for  Bulolo Sam Basil Jr. as Deputy Chairman.

Other Committee Members include Sasindran Muthuvel, Governor  of  West New Britain Province, Alexander Orme, Member for Sumkar, Ricky Morris, Member for Alotau, Ereman ToBaining Jr, Member for Kokopo Open, and Simon Dumarinu, Member for Central Bougainville.

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