Prime Minister Marape leads discussions on downstream processing of Pacific tuna with Japan

Thursday 18 July 2024

Tokyo, Japan: Prime Minister Hon. James Marape today  advocated  on behalf of the smaller islands of the Pacific,  for Japan’s intervention in assisting in downstream processing of the region’s marine resources and the growth of Papua New Guinea’s and the region’s economy.

Addressing the high-level meeting of heads of governments and states from the Pacific Island Forum member countries, the Prime Minister took the stage to advocate on the development of fisheries in the region, specifically inviting Japan to consider a Special Economic Zone in PNG for tuna downstream processing.

 He said, “Today, Prime Minister (Kishida), you made mention of the new heights that will be reached in these ‘kizuna’ (bonding) conversations.

“I am happy that my colleague leaders asked me to speak in the area of people-centred development, resource and economic development, and technology and connectivity.

 “These are matters that are close to my heart.”

Prime Minister emphasised that  PNG is  working towards economic advancement by fighting for its  resources, and to subsequently   migrate in this decade to a stronger move towards manufacturing.

 “We believe that nations who are strong economically will be able to deliver to their people and ensure that people are sustained.

“And so Mr Prime Minister and Chairman of this PALM meeting, I want to put to the people of Japan, Japan as a country in economy, Pacific Island has substantial resources that can be harnessed properly.

“Our ocean is the biggest on Earth and in it we have a big resources. “We have substantial tuna resources.”

He said Papua New Guinea has  substantial modern resources that can be harnessed and captured to empower  small island nations in the region.

“PNG subscribes to a statement lately that is not about aid and grants any more. For us, it’s now about trade. We relate to all nations around us with trade as our major focus.

 “We do not want to spend the next 30 years being aid and grant dependent. “We want to migrate at the earliest to eliminating debt in our public accounts, to ensuring that our balance sheet is stronger and we producing more from our resources and export to our neighbours around us.”

 “Japan being the third biggest economy, a strong reliable partner, is encouraged to assist all our small island economies. While in land they may be small but they have lots of EEZ,” he said.

Prime Minister Marape offered land in PNG to Japan through the Special Economic Zone concept for the processing of fish caught by Pacific Island countries and asked for Japan’s cooperation in this area.

“Mr Prime Minister, I also put to you one alternate in as far as our work to empower  Pacific Island nations for business and commerce.

“PNG offers land for Special Economic Zone so that fish caught in the Pacific Islands can be processed on this land we are offering and sold to you as finished product instead of raw material.

“Let us seize the moment for greater collaboration and bringing Japan-Pacific relations to higher and new heights as you said this morning.

“Arigato gozaimasu for your continuous help, continuous support and continuous purchase of our produce back to Japan.

 “We forever value the friendship between Japan and Papua New Guinea,” Mr Marape said.

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