Prime Minister Marape to Attend UN Summit of the Future

Wednesday 15 May 2024

Prime Minister Hon. James Marape has been  invited to participate in this year’s United Nation’s General Assembly (UNGA) Summit of the Future.

UN Resident Coordinator in PNG, Mr Richard Howard, hand-delivered the letter by UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres to  PM  Marape on Monday  13May, 2024, while  informing him PNG is being invited because of its leading position in the Pacific.

Among the discussions on the agenda, the Secretary-General will be asking Member States to think up reforms to the current global financial system that has led to high levels of debt in developing countries, Mr Howard highlighted.

Mr Marape thanked Mr Howard for the invitation and agreed with the point of the summit, especially on the need to re-examine the  global financial structure and seek ways for better debt relief for smaller economies, as well as utilizing more of the assets in developing countries in the Climate Change conversation.

The UNGA Summit of the Future is being held  from 22 to 23 September  2024.

It is a high-level meeting, said to be a one of the most important gatherings of the United Nations as Member States meet to address gaps in global governance and reaffirm existing commitments to the Sustainable Development Goals and United Nations Charter, among other pressing matters.

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