Government committed  to Strengthening  Law and Order in Papua New Guinea

Monday 26 February  2024

 Prime Minister Hon. James Marape today announced the Government’s firm commitment to tackling the persistent law-and-order challenges facing the country.

This commitment is underscored by the enactment of new legislation and the strategic Bilateral Security Agreement (BSA) with Australia, aimed at enhancing the nation’s judicial and security frameworks.

Highlighting the government’s proactive stance on law-and-order issues, Prime Minister Marape detailed the recent legislative advancements, including the Constitutional Amendment on Court Restructure.

This amendment, which received unanimous support from Parliament in a 94-0 vote during the February session, introduces a pivotal Appeals Court tier between the National Court and the Supreme Court, designed to expedite the processing of court case backlogs.

“I extend my gratitude to the Opposition for backing this critical legislation, which facilitates the establishment of an Appeals Court.

This is a key step towards addressing the backlog of court population and economy,” stated Prime Minister Marape. cases, reflecting our collective effort to enhance the judicial system for our rapidly growing.

“Further legislative efforts include the passing of the National Court (Number of Judges) (Amendment) Bill 2023 last November, and the historic signing of the BSA in Canberra last December.

 The BSA, valued at A$200 million (K455 million), symbolises Australia’s investment in Papua New Guinea’s security, providing comprehensive support that spans infrastructure development, judicial and correctional services enhancement, gender-based violence mitigation, and the establishment of a police recruit and investigation training centre.

The BSA is a testament to our dedication to internal and regional security. With Australia’s support of A$200 million, we aim to not only augment our police force but also extend training assistance to neighboring Pacific nations, reinforcing our commitment to regional stability.

“The Government of Papua New Guinea’s efforts to recruit up to 200 judges complement these legislative and bilateral initiatives, showcasing a holistic approach to strengthening the nation’s law enforcement and judicial systems. These measures, reaffirms my administration’s dedication to ensuring peace, security, and justice for all citizens of Papua New Guinea.”

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