Marape Denies False Social Media Claims

Monday 20 May 2024

Prime Minister Hon. James Marape recently denied a post circulating on social media claiming he is richest person in Papua New Guinea.

He has also instructed the Department of Information and Communications Technology and other agencies to identify those responsible for spreading such false information about him and other leaders.

PM Marape said the post is very misleading and mischievous given the current political situation in the country.

“I am not the richest person in Papua New Guinea as this fake post claims,” Prime Minister Marape said.

“Those who work in Bank South Pacific and Kina Bank know the exact amount of money I have in these two accounts, which neither have K1 million, nor have seen K1 million.

“I am not a millionaire, I never was one, and I do not lose sleep dreaming to be one. I am content with what I earn as a public servant of Papua New Guinea.”

PM Marape expressed his disappointment that leaders such as Governor-General Sir Bob Dadae, and the late former prime minister Sir Rabbie have been included on the list.

He said the post is deemed fake and disrespectful, smearing the names of leaders like Governor-General Sir Rabbie and late Prime Minister Sir Bob Dadae, who live off their fortnightly salaries.

The post lists the 10 richest people in PNG as, starting from the bottom, Governor-General Sir Bob Dadae, former prime minister the late Sir Rabbie Namaliu, Vanimo-Green MP Belden Namah, former Bougainville President John Momis, Kandep MP and Higher Education Minister Don Polye, former prime minister Paias Wingti, former prime minister Peter O’Neill, former prime minister the late Sir Mekere Morauta, former prime minister Sir Julius Chan, and Prime Minister Marape at the top.

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