PNG  Coffee, Cocoa Farmers To Benefit From MoU Signing

Thursday 25 April 2024

Papua New Guinean coffee and cocoa farmers will now have market access for their produce to be exported to China following a memorandum of understanding (MOU) signed at the weekend.

Foreign Affairs Minister Hon. Justin Tkatchenko, speaking at the signing of five MOUs between Papua New Guinea and China, said this was welcome news for the farmers as this would further create employment and income generating opportunities for the people.

Minister Tkatchenko added that the signing of protocols of the Phytosanitary Requirements for the Export of unroasted coffee and cocoa beans from PNG to China, is a step in the right direction as Papua New Guineans are great farmers who grow coffee and cocoa products.

Separate MOUs were signed for the protocols on phytosanitary requirements for the export of these coffee and cocoa.

The process of phytosanitary relates to the health of plants, especially with respect to the requirements of international trade which is also known as ‘a point-of-origin phytosanitary certificate.’

The Phytosanitary certification is undertaken by a National Plant Protection Organisation to ensure the consignments meet the phytosanitary import requirements.

Minister Tkatchenko and his counterpart, Foreign Minister for the People’s Republic of China, His Excellency Wang Yi, witnessed the signing of the MOUs that took place in Port Moresby on Saturday 20  April 2024.

The other three MOUs included Funding of US$1 million ((K3.8 million) for the disaster relief donation, Information Communication Technology Cooperation, $270,000 (K1.02m) for the Joint Feasibility Study for the Free Trade Agreement.

“I want to take this opportunity to reassure Foreign Minister Wang Yi of Papua New Guinea’s support to the “One China” policy since both countries established diplomatic relations in 1976, which has been the cornerstone of PNG-China relations, and will be maintained going forward.

“I want to acknowledge and encourage China’s continued support in its implementation of Chinese Government funded projects in PNG that has greatly contributed towards our development aspirations.”

Mr Tkatchenko said China’s presence in the Pacific region is to promote development cooperation and enhance collective efforts towards addressing challenges faced by both Pacific Island countries and China as developing nations.

“I want to re-assure Foreign Minister Wangi Yi of the importance PNG places on its bilateral relations with China that “Friendship should be built on trust, and PNG values China as an important bilateral partner.”

H.E Wang Yi’s arrived on Saturday  20 April  on his official visit to the country where he held bilateral meetings with government ministers, in relation to economic cooperation arrangements in the different sectors.

He paid a courtesy call on  Prime Minister Hon. James Marape on Sunday 22 April  before departing for Cambodia, his next stop.

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