Prime Minister Marape to Strengthen PNG-Australia Relations with Historic Visit

Sunday 4 February 2024

Prime Minister Hon. James Marape is set to strengthen the longstanding relationship between Papua New Guinea and Australia , when he  visits Australia this week.

As a guest of the Australian Government, his visit will commence on February 7, 2024, leading to a series of diplomatic engagements aimed at reinforcing bilateral ties.

Accompanied by a delegation including former politicians Sir Yano Belo, Sir Nambuka Mara, Minister for Foreign Affairs Hon. Justin Tkatchenko, Minister for National Planning Hon. Ano Pala, Minister Assisting Prime Minister on Treasury Hon. Ian Ling Stuckey, and Chief Secretary to Government Mr. Ivan Pomaleu, Prime Minister Marape’s itinerary is packed with significant engagements.

Upon arrival in Canberra, the Prime Minister will be formally welcomed by Australian Foreign Minister Hon. Penny Wong, followed by a traditional Welcome to Country Ceremony, symbolising the deep respect and connection between the two nations.

Highlighting the visit, on February 8, Prime Minister Marape will receive a ceremonial reception at the Parliament of Australia, hosted by Prime Minister Hon. Anthony Albanese.

This includes a 19-gun salute, a guard of honour inspection, and the rendition of both nations’ national anthems by the Military College Band.

In a historic first for PNG-Australia relations since PNG’s independence 48 years ago, Prime Minister Marape will address the Australian Parliament, signifying the enduring partnership and mutual commitment to peace and prosperity in the Pacific Region.

The visit also includes bilateral discussions with Prime Minister Albanese, an Annual Leaders’ Dialogue, a meeting with the Leader of the Opposition Hon. Peter Dutton, and an engagement with the Australian Federal Police’s Forensics Facility to reinforce security cooperation.

Concluding the visit, Prime Minister Marape, alongside spouse Madam Rachel Marape, will honor the shared history at the Australian War Memorial and meet with the Governor-General of Australia, further cementing the bonds between the two nations as Prime Minister Marape returns to Port Moresby on February 9.

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