Prime Minister Marape Urges Timely Submission of Annual Reports by Public Sector Agencies

Monday 25 March 2024

 Prime Minister Hon. James Marape is strongly urging all Government departments and public sector agencies to submit their annual reports by March 31, 2024, as required by law.

At a meeting with heads of all public sector organisations last Thursday, (21 March), Prime Minister Marape emphasised the importance of elevating the standard of performance and output across the public workforce.

He stressed that this enhancement is crucial to fostering a more vibrant and reliable public service workforce, thereby effectively contributing to nation-building on the eve of Papua New Guinea reaching 50 years of nationhood.

In his address, Prime Minister Marape stated: “The trees we plant today in the public sector workforce will determine the future of our children in the generations to come.

 “It all comes down to performing with excellence in our respective roles and duty obligations, and in a results-driven and constant goal-achieving approach. For example, by law, all government agency heads are required to submit annual reports by March 31.

 “We must ensure this happens and from there we see what is ahead for us and what the weakness areas are.”

On January 3 this year, Mr Marape issued a challenge to enhance performance and drive significant progress in the public sector workforce.

This challenge included highlighting major expectations of various Government organisations, including the submission of timely quarterly reports.

The Prime Minister now seeks the submission of these reports as required, prior to the commencement of the second quarter of the year.

He emphasised: “Submitting timely and effective reports, adhering to our Constitution, and always being innovative and creative in our respective roles, play a big part in nation-building and thus improve our standing globally, whether it be economically, socially or in other genres of life.

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