Rigo Rice Project Secures Government  Support

Tuesday 11 June 2024

In a major development, the Rigo Rice Farm project has received government  support, with a ceremony marking the expansion of the farm in the Central Province.

The project aims to improve agricultural development in Papua New Guinea, focusing on food security and self-sufficiency through the cultivation of rice.

According to Jeffery Kennedy, Managing Director of Rigo Rice Ltd., the project will introduce advanced Japanese agricultural technologies to conduct large-scale rice cultivation, producing high-quality rice.

“This initiative will stabilize the country’s food supply, increase incomes, revitalize the rural economy, and create numerous employment opportunities,” he said.

The government has provided a cheque of K20 million to support the project, which is expected to achieve key targets set out in the government’s Medium Term Development Plan IV.

The Rigo District Development Authority has also provided a cheque of K4.4 million for infrastructure development, including road access and irrigation systems.

Ambassador  of Japan to PNG, His Excellency Nobuyuki Watanabe, expressed gratitude for the government’s support in enabling this collaboration.

“This project illustrates international cooperation with Japanese experts assisting local farmers,” he said.

Minister for National Planning and Member for Rigo, Hon. Sir Ano Pala,  acknowledged the entrepreneurship and determination of the Rigo Rice management team.

“I am confident that this project will create numerous opportunities for knowledge transfer and capacity building,” he said.

The Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) will also send Japanese volunteers to support marketing of Rigo Rice at post-harvest.

The project is expected to be a major boost for the country’s agricultural sector, with potential benefits for food security and economic growth.

“I am confident that this project will create numerous opportunities for knowledge transfer and capacity building. Japanese experts will work closely with local farmers, providing training and sharing best practices to ensure the long-term success of the farm,” Sir  Pala said.

Sir Pala was accompanied by the National Planning and Monitoring Secretary Koney Samuel to present the cheque.

(left-right): Secretary for National Planning,  Koney Samuel and  Minister for National Planning & Rigo MP Hon. Sir Ano Pala, presenting a dummy cheque  of K20 million to  Jeffery Kennedy, MD Rigo Rice project. (picture supplied).

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