Prime Minister Marape Sets High Expectations for Newly Appointed Ministers

Sunday 21 January 2024 Prime Minister Hon. James Marape today underscored government’s commitment to delivering development for Papua New Guineans, emphasising the responsibility of the six newly-appointed ministers and those reshuffled. The Prime Minister made the six new ministerial appointments and reshuffled Cabinet last Thursday 18 January. “My government is now into its second year in … Read more

Prime Minister &Treasurer  Marape Announces Comprehensive Review into Treasury

Sunday 21 January 2024 Prime Minister and Treasurer Hon. James Marape today expressed his commitment to thoroughly investigate key issues affecting the country in his capacity as Treasurer.  The Prime Minister officially assumed the role of Treasurer following a Cabinet reshuffle announced last Thursday 18 January, succeeding Hon. Ian Ling-Stuckey. The Prime Minister looks forward … Read more

NEC Appoints Six New Ministers to Cabinet

Friday 19 January 2024 Acting Governor-General, Hon. Job Pomat and Prime Minister, Hon. James Marape, with new and current Members of Cabinet, at  the swearing-in ceremony at Government House on Thursday, 18 January 2024. (photo credit: Government House). Six new ministers were sworn in at Government House  on Thursday, 18 January 2024, increasing the total … Read more

Minster Masiu urges Public to refrain from spreading fake news

Thursday 18 January 2024 Papua New Guineans have been urged to refrain from spreading fake news or misinformation on social media  networks around the country during the State of Emergency period. Minister for Information Communications and Technology, Mr Timothy Masiu made this known during today’s (18 January 2024) live radio talk-back show hosted on National … Read more

Government listens  to business proposals  

Thursday 18 January 2024 The  Government  convened an important meeting   yesterday (Wednesday 17 January) between government officials and peak business organisations and affected businesses, to gauge their views on how best the government  could best  assist. The  meeting yesterday  was the result of the January 10  2024 unrest where business houses were   damaged   in Port Moresby. … Read more

Minister Tsiamalili refutes claims by Member for Vanimo Green

Thursday 18 January 2024 Minister for internal Security, Hon. Peter Tsiamalili Jr, has refuted claims by  Member for Vanimo Green,  Belden Namah, as being not based on fact or properly thought through. In a statement, Mr Namah condemned efforts to recover goods stolen during looting on 10 January 2024. Minister Tsiamalili said the main effort … Read more

Prime Minister Marape Vows to Rebuild Port Moresby for a Safer Future

Wednesday 17 January  2024 Prime Minister Hon. James Marape today  pledged  Government’s commitment to transform Port Moresby into a “safer, better city for all of us.” Addressing  a press conference  this afternoon, the Prime Minister, flanked by members of the ruling Pangu Pati and major coalition partners, emphasised the collective resolve to rejuvenate the city … Read more

Update on NEC -Designated Investigation into January 10 Civil Unrest

Tuesday 16 January, 2024 The National Executive Council-appointed team, led by Chief Secretary Ivan Pomaleu and Secretary for Justice and Attorney General,  Dr. Eric Kwa commenced a high-level investigation into the January 10th civil unrest in Port Moresby. The investigation aimed at seeking answers and aiming to prevent future tragedies of sort began on January … Read more

Minister Masiu Condemns Damages to Telecommunications Infrastructure

Tuesday 16 January, 2023 The Minister for Information and Communications Technology, Timothy Masiu, has strongly condemned actions by criminals who sabotaged two Telikom fibre cable chambers the National Capital District. He said whilst the communications infrastructure was restored last Thursday afternoon, this incident had caused the deterioration of internet services that resulted in severe congestion … Read more

NCD-Central Police Commander Suspended

Tuesday 16 January 2024 The Royal Papua New Guinea Constabulary has suspended NCD/Central Police Commander Anthony Wagambie Junior while disciplinary offences are investigated in accordance with Part IV of the Police Act 1998. Acting Commissioner of Police  and Controller of the State of Emergency, Donald Yamasombi announced the suspension today, stating that it is the … Read more