Monday 6 May 2024

ICT Minister Hon. Timothy Masiu with students and lecturers of the Journalism and Public Relations Strand, UPNG during the World Press Freedom Day on Friday 3 May 2024.
Minister for Information and Communications Technology Hon. Timothy Masiu, lauded the Journalism and Public Relations strand of the University of Papua New Guinea, emphasizing its resilience and dedication in shaping the next generation of journalists and communicators, and requests that the school signs a Memorandum of Understanding with the Ministry.
Addressing attendees gathered to celebrate World Press Freedom Day on Friday 3 May, Minister Masiu highlighted the importance of a free press and free media in the pursuit of truth, justice, and accountability.
“It is with great pleasure that I stand before you today, despite facing resource limitations, this program has shown exceptional commitment,” the Minister remarked.
Minister Masiu noted the high employment rate of Journalism graduates from UPNG, emphasizing its lasting impact on the nation’s media landscape.
In recognizing the evolving trends in the media industry, especially in the digital age, Minister Masiu encouraged the institution to improve with the technology changes.
“As we move forward, it’s imperative to review and upgrade curricula,” he urged. “Equip your institutions with relevant technologies to train journalists capable of leveraging these tools to disseminate information effectively.”
As a tangible gesture of support, Minister Masiu announced a K10,000 donation to the Journalism and Public Relations strand. The funds will aid in outfitting their studio with the latest technology essential for journalism education.
Minister Masiu urged the University of Papua New Guinea’s School of Humanities and Social Sciences – Journalism and Public Relations to formalize collaboration with the Ministry of ICT.
He proposed signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to facilitate resource allocation for educational purposes.