Minister Tkatchenko attends fifth Pacific Leaders’ Meeting

Tuesday 13  February 2024

Officials from Japan and the Pacific Island nations at the 5th PALM MIM in Suva Fiji.

Minister for  Foreign Affairs,  Hon. Justin Tkatchenko,  participated at the 5th  Pacific Leaders’ Meeting (PALM) Ministerial Interim Ministers’  (MIM) meeting  held in Suva, Fiji, on Monday 12 February,  as  a lead -up to the PALM meeting that will convene its 10th meeting in Tokyo, Japan in July this year.

The MIM is the first to be held in the Pacific region, and was attended by officials from Japan and the Pacific Islands Forum member states, and co-chaired by Japan’s Foreign Minister, Hon. Yoko Kamikawa and Cook Islands Minister for Foreign Affairs, Marine Resources and Parliamentary Services, Hon. Tingika Elikana.

Minister Tkatchenko reiterated PNG’s support and commitment to the PALM process led by Japan, and commended Japan, not only as a valuable bilateral partner, but also an integral development contributor to the development needs and aspirations of the Pacific Island nations.

Whilst acknowledging Japan as an island nation, Mr Tkatchenko  also emphasized  the need to ensure peace and stability is maintained amidst rising global and regional challenges, such as climate change, the nuclear treater water issue, and economic recovery of small island states.

The PALM 10 will see all 18 leaders of the Pacific region meet with Japan’s Prime Minister, the Honourable Fumio Kishida in July this year.

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