Minister Tkatchenko meets  Japan’s Foreign Minister at PALM  Meeting, Fiji

Tuesday 13 February 2024

Foreign Affairs Minister Hon. Justin Tkatchenko (right) and Japan’s Minster for Foreign Affairs, Hon.  Yoko Kamikawa, (left) displaying their   gifts.

Minister for Foreign Affairs, Hon. Justin Tkatchenko, congratulated Japan’s Minister of Foreign Affairs, and Co-Chair of the 5th Pacific Leaders Meeting (PALM) Ministerial Interim Meeting (MIM), Hon.  Yoko Kamikawa on her appointment, adding, he looked forward to working with her to ensure a successful outcomes of the PALM 10 in Tokyo in July this year, as well as fostering and enhancing PNG-Japan relations.

Both Ministers  met on the margins of PALM  MIM in Suva, where they  discussed common issues in areas of trade and investment, Japan’s grant assistance to PNG, security, reciprocal visa waivers, air services and promoting people to people exchanges, whilst noting the 50th anniversary of diplomatic relations between the two countries.

The anniversary also coincides with Papua New Guinea’s  50th Independence Anniversary.

Mr Tkatchenko  conveyed  PNG Government’s appreciation to the Japanese government for supporting the country’s national development, through grant assistance in economic and social infrastructure development financing, such as the new-look Nadzab Tomodachi Internation Airport, which was officially  opened in 2023.

Minister Tkatchenko also extended an official invitation to his Japanese counterpart, as well as extending Prime Minister James Marape’s invitation to  Japan’s Prime Minister, Hon. Fumio Kishida, to visit PNG at a convenient time this year.

He further confirmed Prime Minister Marape’s attendance at the PALM 10 and reiterated PNG’s support and appreciation to Japan for its long-standing partnership with Papua New Guinea.

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