Mirisim: Seven ‘Missing Link” Roads totalling 350 Kilometres Complete

Thursday 15 February 2024

Work on constructing important ‘missing link’ roads is more than halfway complete in Phase 1 of the Connect PNG Infrastructure Development Program.

This covers over 350 kilometres of the 633 kilometres of new roads targeted in the first phase of the program, and includes seven roads breaking into new territory to reach previously unconnected areas.

Minister for Works & Highways, Hon. Solan Mirisim revealed this in his ministerial statement  to Parliament today, when  providing  an update on the progress of construction under the Connect PNG program four years on.

Total coverage for missing link roads is 1,800 kilometres.

The seven ‘missing link’ roads are:

• Erave-Semberigi section on Gulf-Southern Highlands Highway;

• Vanimo-Aitape Section (100km) of Sepik Coastal Highway;

 • Trans-Island Highway and Magi Highway;

 • Finschaffen-Lae Road;

 • Wabag-Maramuni Road;

• Tabubil-Telefomin Road.

• Gumine-Karamui Road.

“Today, you can drive from Kikori to Mendi, Hagen into Morobe and to Madang on an uninterrupted continuous highway system unlike before. Similarly, you can now drive from Kuinga to Tabubil to Telefomin through the Hindenburg Wall.

 He emphasised, “This is not fake but the real story of Connect PNG driving change for PNG.”

 “To achieve anything of value, there has to be a sacrifice. Many have been questioning the value of investments made on the construction of Missing Link roads.

“However, sharing the tears of joy of my people in the remote Telefomin District, the rural people upon mountaintops of Kaintiba and the people of Maramuni in the middle of Enga and Sepik; to see a road for the first time connecting them to the outside world, I ask myself “What would be the monetary value of giving a lifetime road access for many generations to come?,” he asked.

Minister Mirisim called on opponents of Government including certain Members of the Opposition for labelling the program a scam, adding that Connect PNG was reaching the unreached and connecting remote Papua New Guineans to the world outside.

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