Prime Minister Launches 2024 National Census: “Be Counted, No one Left Behind”

(l-r) United Nations Population Fund Deputy Regional Director Dr. Aleksandar Sasha Bodiroza, Census Minister Hon. Richard Masere, Prime Minister Hon. James Marape, National Statistician Mr John Aseavu Igitoi, and Governor for NCD Hon. Powes Parkop at the official launching of PNG’s 2024 National Census, Stanley Hotel Port Moresby.

Population Data is important as decisions made must be based on it and not on politics.

Prime Minister Hon. James Marape made these remarks  when he launched  the   5th National Census at the Stanley Hotel in Port Moresby  on  Wednesday  27 March, 2024.

“When you participate in this count, you make it easier for those in key responsible levels of decision making to factor you into considerations for development.”

Prime Minister Marape stated that a prosperous inclusive Papua New Guinea will only happen when government in all levels know exactly how many people being dealt with.

He encouraged everyone to participate, including  both citizens and residents, as well as  Business Partners and those passing through.

PM Marape said he wanted to see that every single human being have to be counted during the duration of the national census  from 17– 30  June   2024.

He  challenged the National Statistician and the Office of the National Statistics to ensure everyone is counted.

“There is no other event far greater  than the National Census 2024. All levels of government and everyone need correct population data to make the right decisions to sort out matters”.

Mr Marape further  encouraged  proper coordination from the National Statistical Office to make this cost exercise a success.

“Everyone counted must have a legit number and that number will be linked to your NID, Bank details, Immigration, Voting rights…etc to access services. 

“We want this Census 2024 as a basis to which we can order our country to a more ordered society,”  said PM Marape.

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