Minster Masiu urges Public to refrain from spreading fake news

Thursday 18 January 2024 Papua New Guineans have been urged to refrain from spreading fake news or misinformation on social media  networks around the country during the State of Emergency period. Minister for Information Communications and Technology, Mr Timothy Masiu made this known during today’s (18 January 2024) live radio talk-back show hosted on National … Read more

Update on NEC -Designated Investigation into January 10 Civil Unrest

Tuesday 16 January, 2024 The National Executive Council-appointed team, led by Chief Secretary Ivan Pomaleu and Secretary for Justice and Attorney General,  Dr. Eric Kwa commenced a high-level investigation into the January 10th civil unrest in Port Moresby. The investigation aimed at seeking answers and aiming to prevent future tragedies of sort began on January … Read more

Controller Yamasombi announces establishment of Call Centre for the State of Emergency

Monday 15 January 2024 The Acting Commissioner of Police and Controller of the State of Emergency (SoE) Mr Donald Yamasombi has announced the establishment of National State of Emergency Call Centre at Morauta Haus, Waigani. The SOE Call Centre hotline number- 1800500, will be utilised by residents to report any complaints relating to the recovery … Read more

Government Issues Warning on misinformation and abuse of social media

Monday 15 January, 2024 In the wake of the unrest in the Nation’s Capital initiated by widespread misinformation on social media, the government has issued a serious warning – restrain the spread of fake news and misinformation, or face a temporary social media blackout during the SOE period. Minister for Information and Communications Technology (ICT) … Read more

Government releases K213.4 million GTFS funds for 2024 Term 1  

Monday 15 January 2024 Prime Minister, Hon. James Marape, presenting  a dummy cheque of K213.4 million to the Minister for Education, Hon. Jimmy Uguro on Tuesday, 9 January 2024. The  Government has released   K213.4 million of Government Tuition Fund Free Subsidy (GTFS)  to cover Term one  of this school year. The Prime Minister, Hon. James … Read more

Investment Promotion Authority condemns attacks on Business Houses

Monday 15 January 2024 IPA Managing Director Mr. Clarence Hoot inspecting damaged files at the Konedobu warehouse. (photo credit: IPA Media, PNG Business News) The Papua New Guinea Investment Promotion Authority (IPA), the investment promotion arm of Government and business regulator, has condemned the senseless attacks on business houses in Port Moresby and other centers … Read more

Prime Minister Marape to Announce Cabinet Restructure and Meet Business Community

Sunday 14 January, 2024 In response to the infamous events in Port Moresby last Wednesday, Prime Minister Hon. James Marape is initiating a restructure of the Cabinet. He revealed today that a Cabinet reshuffle is imminent this week. “The issues concerning the economy and the functionality of key state agencies, including Treasury, Finance, and Planning, … Read more

SOE Measures will not hinder movement of citizens says Controller

Sunday 14 January, 2024 Acting Police Commissioner Donald Yamasombi, as Controller of the National State of Emergency (SOE) 2024, has issued five security measures to maintain peace and order during the 14-day period. “The State of Emergency has been declared by the Acting Governor-General, acting on the advice of the National Executive Council, as a … Read more

Statement by PM MARAPE

10 January, 2024 NORMALCY TO BE RESTORED IN THE CITY, PAY CUT ISSUE ADDRESSED AND GOVT APOLOGIZE TO BUSINESS HOUSES. Good afternoon All. The NEC has approved for Defence to assist police restore order in the city. I want to appeal to citizens to protect our city. The police and public servant grievances are being … Read more

Government unveils soft SOE measures, plans to Work with Businesses to Rebuild After Unrest

12 January, 2023 In the wake of violent riots that rocked the capital city this past week, Prime Minister James Marape and National Capital District Governor Powes Parkop today addressed the nation, outlining measures of the State of Emergency (SOE) and plans for restoring normalcy and rebuilding trust. Prime Minister James Marape unveiled several ‘soft’ … Read more